برنامج IBM ViaVoice Gold v.4.3 تتكلم والكمبيوتر يكتب
IBM ViaVoice Gold v.4.3

IBM ViaVoice Pro USB Edition is the flagship offering of the ViaVoice for ******s, Release 10 product line. It represents the merger of high-productivity software with advanced microphone technology. Pro USB Edition offers great dictation versatility; dictate, edit, and correct **** in SpeakPad, the resident speech-enabled word processor, or in Word, Excel, and other applications within the Microsoft Office product suites, including Office XP, or directly into a variety of other PC applications. Pro USB supports ******s XP Professional and Home, ******s 98SE, Me and 2000 operating systems.

Pro USB Edition expands the usefulness of the powerful Navigation Macro Center found in earlier generations of IBM ViaVoice for ******s. With Pro USB, users can create macros that will run across multiple applications. In addition, users can now control the speed at which their macros run.

Pro USB Edition supports the use of select digital handheld recorders.

Pro USB Edition is the IBM desktop voice recognition product that features IBM ViaVoice ********s -- Microsoft Word-based customized templates for letters, reports, faxes, and e-mails -- and VoiceMarks, which can read the name of a customized navigation macro to the user as an audio confirmation that the macro is being run correctly

برنامج انت تتكلم والكمبيوتر يكتب برنامج عيجــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــب خش جرب Viavoice01

برنامج رائع جدا مهما حكيت ما هاعرف اوصف حلاوتة

برنامج تتكلم وهوا يتولى عملية الكتابة وراك

وطبعا بيوفر جهد كبير جدا للذين بيكتبون ويطبعون على الكمبيوتر

والمفاجئة الكبرى أنه يكتب عربي

برنامج انت تتكلم والكمبيوتر يكتب برنامج عيجــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــب خش جرب Viavoice02

IBM ViaVoice Gold v.4.3

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